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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: SB25-021

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Title Registration of Off-Highway Vehicles
Status Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely (01/30/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Transportation & Motor Vehicles
House Sponsors
Senate Sponsors
House Committee
Senate Committee Agriculture and Natural Resources
Date Introduced 01/08/2025
AI Summary

The bill specifies that dealers of off-highway vehicles shall require
a purchaser of an off-highway vehicle to complete the off-highway
vehicle registration application and pay the registration fee in order to
complete the sale of an off-highway vehicle, unless the purchaser attests
that the off-highway vehicle will be used exclusively outside the state.
The bill clarifies that a dealer that does not comply with the registration
requirements is subject to a fine of $200 per instance of noncompliance.
The bill also explicitly authorizes the parks and wildlife commission to
adopt rules concerning the enforcement of the registration requirements
of off-highway vehicles.
Under current law, proof of ownership is required for the
registration of an off-highway vehicle. The bill removes this requirement
so that an individual registering their off-highway vehicle no longer has
to provide the division of parks and wildlife with proof of ownership for
the off-highway vehicle.
The bill amends certain provisions related to the off-highway
vehicle recreation fund (fund) to clarify what the money in the fund shall
be used for. The bill also specifies that money remaining in the fund at
the end of a given fiscal year shall remain in the fund and only be used for
specific purposes related to the use of off-highway vehicles in Colorado.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (01/21/2025) (most recent)  
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