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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: SB25-023

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Title Local Government Audit Exemption Thresholds
Status Senate Second Reading Passed - No Amendments (02/04/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Sponsors W. Lindstedt (D)
Senate Sponsors D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
R. Pelton (R)
House Committee
Senate Committee Local Government and Housing
Date Introduced 01/08/2025
AI Summary

Legislative Audit Committee. Currently, a local government must
obtain an audit of its financial statements for each fiscal year or obtain
approval from the state auditor for an exemption if they meet certain
requirements. A local government with total revenues and expenditures
that are each less than or equal to $100,000 during a fiscal year may
complete an application for exemption from audit. A local government
seeking this exemption must provide the state auditor with an application
prepared by a person who is skilled in government accounting. A local
government with total revenues or expenditures that are over $100,000
and no more than $750,000 during a fiscal year may also complete an
application for exemption from audit. A local government seeking this
exemption must provide the state auditor with an application that is
prepared by an independent accountant with knowledge of government
The bill changes these 2 thresholds for any fiscal year commencing
on or after January 1, 2025. First, the bill changes the $100,000 threshold
to $200,000. Second, the bill changes the $750,000 threshold to
$1,000,000. The bill would provide consistency with federal requirements
and align statutory thresholds with current inflationary values.

Committee Reports
with Amendments
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (01/17/2025) (most recent)  
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