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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: SB25-040

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Title Future of Severance Taxes & Water Funding Task Force
Status Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations (01/29/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Agriculture
  • Water
House Sponsors M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Senate Sponsors D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
House Committee
Senate Committee Agriculture and Natural Resources
Date Introduced 01/08/2025
AI Summary

Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee. The bill
creates the future of severance taxes and water funding task force (task
The department of natural resources is required to contract with a
third party to conduct a study on severance taxes and water funding and
develop recommendations for ways to continue funding water needs in
the face of decreasing severance tax revenue (study). The purpose of the
task force is to work with the third party to conduct the study and develop
No later than January 15, 2026, the third party must submit a draft
report, detailing the results of the study and any recommendations, to the
department of natural resources and the task force for review. The task
force is required to provide input on the draft report. No later than July
15, 2026, the third party must submit a final report, which incorporates
the input of the task force, to the water resources and agriculture review
committee (committee). The task force must present the final report to the
committee during the 2026 legislative interim.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (01/13/2025) (most recent)  
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