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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: SB25-057

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Title Noncitizen Voter Registration Cancellation
Status Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely (02/04/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Elections & Redistricting
House Sponsors
Senate Sponsors M. Baisley (R)
House Committee
Senate Committee State, Veterans and Military Affairs
Date Introduced 01/21/2025
AI Summary

The secretary of state must maintain the computerized statewide
voter registration list on as current a basis as possible, including in a
manner that ensures that the names of electors who are not eligible to vote
are removed from the list. In furtherance of this responsibility, the
department of state regularly and securely exchanges information with the
department of revenue (DOR), the department of public health and
environment (CDPHE), and the department of corrections (DOC) to
enable the transfer and verification of voter registration information.
Section 1 of the bill requires that, on and after July 1, 2025, the
secretary of state, on behalf of the department of state, modify its
agreements with DOR, CDPHE, and DOC to expressly include access to
any available citizenship-related information in the databases already
subject to shared access between the department of state and DOR,
CDPHE, and DOC, respectively.
Section 2 requires the executive director of DOR to furnish 2
separate quarterly reports to the secretary of state of all persons who are
not citizens based on:
  • Information contained in the database of the division of
motor vehicles subject to the existing sharing agreement
with the department of state as modified in section 1; and
  • Information obtained from the federal commissioner of
social security and required to be made accessible to the
department of state for verification of a person's name, date
of birth, and the last 4 digits of the person's social security
Section 2 requires the executive directors of CDPHE and DOC,
respectively, to furnish the same type of quarterly report to the secretary
of state based on the information in the databases of CDPHE and DOC
subject to existing information-sharing agreements with the department
of state and as modified in section 1. Section 2 also requires the state
court administrator to provide the secretary of state with a quarterly report
of all persons who report as ineligible to serve as a trial or grand juror
because they are not citizens.
Section 2 requires the secretary of state to forward quarterly to
each county clerk and recorder the information received from the
executive directors of DOR, CDPHE, DOC, and the state court
administrator, and requires a county clerk and recorder to cancel the voter
registration of any elector who is not a citizen according to the
information received from the secretary of state. Additionally, the
secretary of state may electronically cancel the voter registration of any
elector who is not a citizen and who the secretary of state has received
notice of from the executive directors of DOR, CDPHE, or DOC, or the
state court administrator.

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