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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1145

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Title Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website
Status House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely (02/12/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Elections & Redistricting
House Sponsors K. DeGraaf (R)
Senate Sponsors
House Committee State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 01/29/2024

By July 1, 2024, the secretary of state is required to include, on the
voter registration page on the secretary of state's official website
(website), places for a registered elector to:
  • Confirm the registered elector's mailing address;
  • Select whether to receive a mail ballot or to vote in person;
  • Select which major political party's ballot to receive for a
primary election.
The secretary of state is required to ensure that the default
selection for every registered elector for each election is to vote in person.
The secretary of state is required to add a notice to the website to explain
the costs incurred in sending mail ballots to registered electors, and the
amount of taxpayer money that is wasted by sending mail ballots that will
not be used.
On or after July 1, 2024, every registered elector is required to
access the registered elector's voter registration through the website at
least one time during each election cycle to verify the registered elector's
address and make the selections regarding the registered elector's voting
and ballot preference (selections). Each registered elector is required to
make the selections only once for an election cycle but may alter the
selections as many times as the registered elector wishes prior to specified
elections. The secretary of state is required to allow electors who first
register to vote on or after July 1, 2024, to make selections when
registering to vote. If a registered elector does not make the selections for
an election cycle, the registered elector is presumed to have opted to vote
in person and the registered elector will not receive a mail ballot.
The secretary of state and the designated election official in each
county (election official) are required to provide written notice, in
specified places, of the requirements that a registered elector confirm the
registered elector's address and make the selections.
For the 2024-2025 state fiscal year and for each state fiscal year
thereafter, the staff of the joint budget committee of the general assembly
is required to determine whether there is a reduction as a result of the bill,
compared to the previous fiscal year, in the amount appropriated to the
department of state to reimburse counties for the costs of conducting
elections. The general assembly is required to appropriate an amount
equal to 50% of any such reduction for programs that combat food
vulnerability among children in the state.

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