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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1152

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Title Accessory Dwelling Units
Status Governor Signed (05/13/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Housing
  • Local Government
  • State Government
House Sponsors J. Amabile (D)
R. Weinberg (R)
Senate Sponsors T. Exum Sr. (D)
K. Mullica (D)
House Committee Transportation, Housing and Local Government
Senate Committee Local Government and Housing
Date Introduced 01/30/2024

Section 1 of the bill creates a series of requirements related to
accessory dwelling units. The bill establishes unique requirements for
subject jurisdictions and for qualifying as an accessory dwelling unit
supportive jurisdiction (supportive jurisdiction).
As established in the bill, a subject jurisdiction is either:
  • A municipality that has a population of 1,000 or more and
that is within the area of a metropolitan planning
organization; or
  • The portion of a county that is both within a census
designated place with a population of ten thousand or more,
as reported in the most recent decennial census, and within
the area of a metropolitan planning organization.
The bill requires a subject jurisdiction to allow, subject to an
administrative approval process, one accessory dwelling unit as an
accessory use to a single-unit detached dwelling in any part of the subject
jurisdiction where the subject jurisdiction allows single-unit detached
dwellings. The bill also prohibits subject jurisdictions from enacting or
enforcing certain local laws that would restrict the construction or
conversion of an accessory dwelling unit.
In order to qualify as a supportive jurisdiction, a jurisdiction must
submit a report to the division of local government in the department of
local affairs (the division) demonstrating that the jurisdiction:
  • Has complied with the accessory dwelling unit
requirements the bill imposes on subject jurisdictions; and
  • Has implemented one or more strategies to encourage and
facilitate the construction or conversion of accessory
dwelling units.
Section 1 also creates the accessory dwelling unit fee reduction
and encouragement grant program within the division. The purpose of
this grant program is for the division to provide grants to supportive
jurisdictions for offsetting costs incurred in connection with developing
pre-approved accessory dwelling unit plans, providing technical
assistance to persons converting or constructing accessory dwelling units,
or waiving or reducing accessory dwelling unit associated fees and other
required costs.
Section 2 grants the Colorado economic development commission
the power to expend $8 million to contract with the Colorado housing and
finance authority to operate and establish the following programs to
benefit the residents of supportive jurisdictions:
  • An accessory dwelling unit loss reserve program that offers
affordable loans for the construction or conversion of
accessory dwelling units;
  • A program that allows for the buying down of interest rates
on loans made in connection with the construction or
conversion of accessory dwelling units;
  • A program that offers down payment assistance in
connection with accessory dwelling units; and
  • A program through which the Colorado housing and
finance authority offers direct loans in connection with the
construction or conversion of accessory dwelling units.
Section 3 prohibits a planned unit development resolution or
ordinance for a planned unit development from restricting the permitting
of an accessory dwelling unit more than the local law that applies to
accessory dwelling units outside of the planned unit development.
Section 4 states that any prohibition on accessory dwelling units
or the implementation of restrictive design or dimension standards by a
unit owners' association in a supportive jurisdiction is void as a matter of
public policy.

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