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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1416

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Title Create the Healthy Food Incentives Program
Status Governor Signed (04/29/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Agriculture
  • Public Health
House Sponsors E. Sirota (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Senate Sponsors R. Zenzinger (D)
J. Bridges (D)
House Committee Appropriations
Senate Committee Appropriations
Date Introduced 03/25/2024

Joint Budget Committee. The bill creates the healthy food
incentives program (program) in the department of public health and
environment to be administered by the prevention services division
The division shall partner with a statewide nonprofit organization
that has experience in supporting healthy food incentives programs to
provide healthy food incentives that benefit Colorado's low-income
populations. The healthy food incentives must attempt to improve access
to fresh Colorado-grown fruits and vegetables within Colorado's
low-income communities.
The bill limits the division's and the nonprofit organization's
administrative expenses.
For the 2024-25 state fiscal year, the bill appropriates $500,000 to
the department of public health and environment for use by the division
to implement the program.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (05/28/2024) (most recent)  
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