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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: SB25-073

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Title Military-Connected Children with Disabilities
Status Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Education (01/22/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Sponsors M. Martinez (D)
Senate Sponsors L. Liston (R)
J. Marchman (D)
House Committee
Senate Committee Education
Date Introduced 01/22/2025
AI Summary

The bill clarifies the process and timeline for an administrative unit
or a state-operated program to provide special education services to a
military-connected child with disabilities (child) who transfers from one
administrative unit or state-operated program within Colorado to another,
or transfers from an out-of-state school district or private school to an
administrative unit or a state-operated program within Colorado, as a
result of an inbound active duty military member's (member) order to
permanently change military stations.
For a child who transfers from an administrative unit or
state-approved program to a private school within Colorado, or transfers
from an out-of-state school district or private school to a private school
within Colorado, the administrative unit with jurisdiction over the
geographic boundary that the private school is located in shall review the
child's evaluation information and existing individualized education
program (IEP) or section 504 plan in consultation with the child's
member, parent, legal guardian, or custodian. The administrative unit
shall determine and provide equitable special education and related
services, an IEP, or a section 504 plan to the child enrolled in the private
For a child who transfers from an out-of-state school district or
private school with an individualized family service plan, the
administrative unit or the state-operated program shall follow the process
to coordinate, in conjunction with the department of early childhood, the
transition of the child from an early intervention program for infants and
toddlers pursuant to part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) to a program component to serve children with
disabilities from 3 to 21 years of age pursuant to part B of the IDEA.
The bill requires an administrative unit, a state-operated program,
or an administrative unit with jurisdiction over the geographic boundary
that a private school is located in to receive informed consent from the
member, parent, legal guardian, or custodian of a child before:
  • There are revisions to the child's category of disability;
  • There are revisions to the child's IEP or section 504 plan;
  • There are changes to the child's eligibility for special
education and related services; or
  • There is a partial or complete termination of special
education and related services, except if the child graduates
with a standard or advanced studies diploma.
In the event a dispute between an administrative unit or a
state-operated program and a member, parent, legal guardian, or
custodian of a child results in a due process hearing, the administrative
unit or the state-operated program has the burden of proof.

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