Vote Ranking by Yes/No/Excused
This report shows vote totals for the legislators and bills you select in the top menu (All, My, etc.).
This report is based on Sample Data. Subscribed users can select the bills and legislators to show on this report. Subscribe Here How to use this report
Results for: Legislators (0), All bills (316)
Most Yes | Most No | Most Excused
How to use this report
- Select a group of legislators from the top menu.
- All: all legislators
- My: legislators you selected in your Profile
- Select a group of bills from the top menu.
- All: all bills
- My: bills you selected in your Profile
- Select how you want the report ordered from the choices listed under "Results for...".
- Most Yes: view legislators with the most Yes votes at the top of the list.
- Most No: view legislators with the most No votes at the top of the list.
- Most Excused: view legislators with the most Excused Absences at the top of the list. Excused Absences are for Chamber votes only. Excused Absences do not reflect missed Committee votes.
Colorado Capitol Watch only counts excused absences. Missed votes categorized by the state as absent or abstained are not inclued in the totals on this page.
- Results line: Shows the total number of legislators and bills in the group you selected.
- The total number of bills shown includes bills that have not reached a final vote.
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